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 Whats App Key Extractor


The purpose of this script is to provide a method for WhatsApp users to extract their cipher key on NON-ROOTED Android devices. The cipher key is required to decrypt WhatsApp CRYPT6, CRYPT7 and CRYPT8 backup files. This script works by hooking into the USB backup feature on Android 4.0 or higher. It will NOT work with earlier Android versions or on devices where this feature has been deliberately disabled by the manufacturer. The cipher key can be used with WhatCrypt, both on the Website (online decryption / exportation) and with the Android App (offline decryption / recryption). Other apps and websites may also support WhatsApp cipher keys. It should be noted that WhatsApp cipher keys can roll (update) periodically. If this happens then you will need to repeat the instructions contained within this file in order to extract the latest cipher key. This script will also extract the latest UNENCRYPTED WhatsApp Message Database (msgstore.db) and Contacts Database (wa.db).

In addition to the above. A copy of the cipher key will also be pushed to the WhatsApp Database directory on the device itself and contained within a file called ".nomedia". The reason for this is to allow Android Developers a unified method in which they can offer their app users WhatsApp Decryption for those willing to run this script.


This method previously broke on WhatsApp versions higher than 2.11.431. The method has now been updated to install a temporary legacy WhatsApp version so that ADB backup can function. You will NOT lose ANY data and your current WhatsApp version will be restored at the end of the extraction process.


  1. O/S: Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8
  2. Java - If not installed: Download Java
  3. ADB (Android Debug Bridge) Drivers - If not installed: ADB Installer
  4. USB Debugging* must be enabled on the target device. Settings -> Developer Options -> (Debugging) USB debugging
  5. Android device with Android 4.0 or higher
*= If you cannot find Developer Options then please go to: Settings -> About phone/device and tap the Build number multiple times until you're finally declared a developer.

  1. Extract "WhatsAppKeyExtract.zip" on your computer maintaining the directory structure.
  2. Browse to the extracted folder and click on "WhatsAppKeyExtract.bat".
  3. Connect your device via USB**, unlock your screen and wait for "Full backup" to appear.
  4. Leave the password field blank and tap on "Back up my data".
  5. The "extracted" folder will now contain your "whatsapp.key", "msgstore.db" and "wa.db".

** = If you have never used USB Debugging before, you may also need to verify the fingerprint.


1.6 - Added support for all newer WhatsApp versions that block ADB Backups.
1.5 - No public release.
1.4 - No public release.
1.3 - No public release.
1.2 - No public release.
1.1 - Removed Java check, due to some users reporting that they're getting stuck in an install loop.
1.0 - Initial release.


Not my hub, but many thanks to Abinash Bishoyi who has created an unofficial fork on GitHub. He has added a *nix variant "sh" script and made some modifications for users who have experienced problems with ADB on Android 4.4.3. He has also added support for Android L. Kudos to him.

Link: https://github.com/AbinashBishoyi/Wh...y-DB-Extractor

  1. WhatCrypt Tool 1.3+
  2. Omni-Crypt 1.6+
  3. WhatsApp Viewer 1.8

The apps listed above have been confirmed working with WhatsApp Key/DB Extractor. I.E. They will either look for and use the static cipher key that this tool will copy to: "sdcard/WhatsApp/Databases/.nomedia" as an alternative decrypt/recrypt method, or will allow you to manually set the path to the key file. If you wish your app to be added to this list, then please let me know and I will add your app (pending verification / confirmation).

AUTHOR: TripCode
THANKS: dragomerlin for Android Backup Extractor, Snoop05 for ADB Installer and Abinash Bishoyi for GitHub fork.


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